Blog World 2011 – The truth about attending BlogWorld Los Angeles

June 18, 2020   Vendor Central

Blog World 2011 pricing

If these prices don’t make you choke on your chicken, you’re a better blogger than I (and I make a full-time living at it). Seriously, you’re paying an entrance fee to get sold an upgrade. Every aspect of this expo is a sales letter in disguise of “blogging breakthroughs.” It’s a pitchfest from every angle.

I could go on and on about this scam (and yes, it is a whopper of a scam and so many ways)… here’s why:

Strange bedfellows
BlogWorld is sponsored by Ford, Century 21, Johnson and Johnson and Dun and Bradstreet. What in the world does a car company, a home seller, and bandage company and a credit rating agency have to do with blogging?

But the “VIP Sponsor” this year is Heineken. Okay, that makes sense now…

… Because that’s the REAL reason most bloggers fly into BlogWorld – for the “social” aspect. In simple speak, Blog World is a party.

Social media marketing
Very, very few bloggers make any money like me using social media. It’s a total fraud and scam. The only people who make cash with social media marketing are those selling tools and tutorials on how to cash in on social media marketing. It’s a total circle jerk (and you’re on the receiving end of the jerk).

According to Lincoln Adams (who attended last years Blog World in Las Vegas), you get hammered with an “endless, unceasing, outside, inside… even in the hotel room noise. It never stops.”

When you pay up to $1,297.00, you expect the expo to literally hand over the keys to the blogging kingdom and show you EXACTLY how to blog for profit. Instead, you end up getting a lecture on how to do the most basic things. That’s because most of the audience is made up of newbies… blog rookies who barely know how to install a WordPress plugin.

BlogWord boasts a field of 275 “experts in the field”… ready to spout their path to blogging success in over 150 sessions. Instead, you often get stuff you can find in almost any under-$10 Kindle ebook.

Shiny, magic bullets
If you’re looking for those intrepid, insider secrets only the gurus pretend to know, attending these expos is going to be a huge disappointment for you.

But you will be given the IMPRESSION that you’re just a click away from instant internet riches. Just meet the speaker at the back of the room and (once again) hand over your credit card for the next greatest blog business in a box.

Instant social
Most attendees (even the shy ones) claim to dig the social aspect of these conferences. And I can understand why on the surface. Instead of trading texts back and forth with your colleagues, you get to meet them in the flesh – usually for the very first time. That’s cool… for about 15 minutes or so.

Then it hits you like a brick why blogging by yourself is so awesome. Because you don’t have to deal with idiots all day long.

My daddy always told me that mass networking was for losers. And he’s right. You’ll never see really successful people dishin’ out a business card in a big ‘ol meet and greet.

Now day one is killer. You’re totally suffering from jet lag and the first day of conferences takes a brutal toll on you physically and mentally. But right on cue, someone in your group reminds you that the greatest blog party to ever exist is just hours away. You’re beat, but don’t want to be a party pooper and you go (even though it’s NEVER even close to your hotel room).

We all know what happens next. You drink way too much. You make an ass out of yourself. And the next thing you remember is sitting in another “session” on day #2 – starving to death and tired as all get out. Good times! (Not.)

But hey, at least you got to ride the wave:

Wow. Now that’s entertaining (dripping with sarcasm).

Dog food
Whether you’re a foodie like me (or not), you’re going to be HIGHLY disappointed by the selection of food you get during this trip. While it’s true that your $1,297.00 all-access pass includes lunch and snacks, I wouldn’t even give it to my dog it’s so bad. And there’s nothing worse than trying to learn when you’re hungry.

And good luck finding good food near the conference center… no matter how much you pay, tracking down good eats is nearly impossible near this expo.

Fat ass
Don’t be fooled by the dates at Blog World 2011. The calendar might say November 3rd ’til the 5th, but the truth is you’re going to be away from home for at least five days. And when you come home, you’re going to be so exhausted, you won’t get back into your rhythm for at least another few days…

… For me, that’s almost a week without proper eating and proper exercise. I mean, it’s bad enough we make a living blogging all day at our computer, but at least I get to exercise almost every day. But thanks to Blog World, I’m guaranteed to add more than a few pounds to my backside.

This takes the cake for me… a lot of attendees roam the aisles of the exhibit halls looking for “swag”… free nicknacks like popcorn and logo-filled shopping bags and gimmicky plastic things that one would expect to see at the local state fair. Really folks? You travel thousands and thousands of miles… pay thousands and thousands of dollars in conference fees, hotels, flight and meals – and you get all excited about swag? Oy vey my brother.

Smoke and mirrors
Most people I talk to almost unanimously feel the session descriptions are “inaccurate” (that’s political correct speak for “bullshit”). There’s nothing worse than waiting for session to start, then finding out half-way through it that it’s not targeted for you. That’s a lot of wasted time that you can’t get back.

Blog World loves to give us panels… a series of industry “experts” ready and eager to blurt out amazing nuggets of blog gold. But much like fake wood paneling, it just sucks. And a lot of attendees complain about this.

Bottom line
There’s no reason for you to hunt and peck for blog tips from an overpriced Blog World 2011.

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