How to Change Your Amazon Product in the Same ASIN and Keep All Reviews without Getting in Trouble

May 31, 2024   Amazon SEO
How to Change Your Amazon Product in the Same ASIN and Keep All Reviews without Getting in Trouble

Here is burning question from our clients at AMZing Marketing Agency:

So you have a product ASIN at Amazon that sells very well and have tons or product reviews already, but suddenly you want to change the product?

You want use the same ASIN to change the product feature. A very good example are supplements.

Lets’ say you have a supplement bottle that contains 60 Capsules, and now you want to launch the same supplement with 90 capsules.

You want to use the same ASIN, because it has all the product review already.



Is it a good idea to sell out the supplement with 60 capsules and then ship the bottle of 90 capsules for FBA?  

What are the Problems of Changing a Product in the SAME ASIN?

First you have to sell out of the existing inventory (60 capsules) in FBA first, before you can send the new product (90 capsules )

Two problems with this:

1. There might be returns from the supplement of 60 Capsules and your listing will get messed up with the new inventory (90 capsules). Your customers will complain and write negative reviews

2. Running out of FBA (60 capsules) will cause your sales rank and organic ranking to drop dramatically, and it will take at least to recover with lots of advertising

Here is a Better Solution to Launch the Same Product with Different Feature and KEEP all reviews

1. Create a Parent-Child construction with variations 60 capsules and 90 capsules (both will have all the reviews)

Basically, you will have two different ASIN.

- Existing ASIN X with 60 Capsules
- New ASIN Y with 90 Capsules

You keep the ASIN X with 60 capsules active and send new inventory of 90 capsules to FBA for the new ASIN Y

Once the 60 capsules are sold out, the ASIN X will NOT be shown to customers at the Amazon page.

Only the ASIN Y with 90 capsules will be visible to the customers, and you keep all the product reviews.

What are the Advantages of This Parent-Child Construction?

1. You keep all the existing product reviews

2. You don’t mess up with the inventory

3. Customer will NOT get the wrong product (avoiding negative reviews)

4. You keep the sales rank and organic ranking

Creating a Parent-Child Construction is Very Technical and Has to be Done Carefully

Need professional help with this?  Contact AMZing Marketing Agency Here