Increase Website Sales – Tips to attract more online buyers
Are your website sales not what you would like them to be? Marketing on the internet can be very exciting especially the first day your website goes live on the internet. Expectations are high since you know you have built a terrific site but lo and behold it has been a week and little has happened. This has now left you scratching your head trying to figure out how to increase sales at your website. In order to boost your sales you will want to examine certain key aspects of the website itself that could be causing your problems. With the proper adjustments you can be on your way to internet riches in no time flat.
Here are 5 ways to get an increase in sales at your under performing website.
Opps You Forgot to Generate Traffic
It would be nice if all we had to do was build a website, go live on the internet with it and wait for people to come visit. Unfortunately this is not going to happen therefore effort must be put into generating traffic. When marketing on the internet the only way to get an increase in sales is to first generate traffic and then improve your sales conversion rate.
The Wrong Traffic
Be sure that the traffic you are generating is appropriate for what you are promoting. You can have thousands of visitors daily but if they have no interest in what you offer you are wasting your time and theirs. Any ads or promotions you run advertising your website should clearly describe or indicate what type product or benefits you are offering. This allows visitors to ‘qualify’ themselves as to whether they have an interest.
Messy and Unfocused Site Design
Look at your website design and be sure that it is appropriate for what it is you are marketing. Another thing you want to check is to be sure you do not have a lot of ‘clutter’ on your site such as ads, video or other type graphics. This can be both distracting and annoying to visitors disrupting their focus from your sales message.
Weak Sales Copy
Copy writing is a very important component of your marketing efforts. The sales copy you place on your site should attract and compel people to take the desired action you want them to take which is to make a purchase. When trying to figure out how to increase sales at your website your copy writing is a good starting point.
Read your copy and see if it intrigues or compels you to take action. If you are not tempted you can not expect to influence any website visitor to take the required action? If you are uncomfortable with the results of your own efforts you may want to consider hiring a professional to rite the copy for you.
Not Capturing Names
How can capturing names at your website help you to get an increase in sales? The answer is easy one being it is actually highly unusual for someone to land on your site for the first time and make a purchase. Studies sow that typically it can take up to 7 or 8 exposures before a visitor decides to make a purchase. When capturing their contact information you are able to maintain the necessary contact with them thereby increasing their exposure to your offer.
When website sales are weak it leaves you feeling frustrated and zaps your confidence. Under performing websites are a common source of frustration when marketing on the internet but it is something that can be fixed if you know where to look. When examining how to increase sales at your website there are 5 probable areas you will likely need to focus upon. As we reviewed above the various aspects of your website that could be creating sales problems for you vary from site design to sloppy copy writing. By devoting your attention to these areas you stand the best chance of quickly gaining an increase in sales at your ‘reluctant’ website. The best part of all is your experience with this problem makes it unlikely you will be ‘guilty’ of the same oversights in the future.
About the Author:
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more tips about increasing your website sales and to receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques visit:
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