Making Money With Blog – How to make money blogging
This year, I’m going to bank more than $200,000.00 working 15 to 25 minutes a day by corporate blogging… yes, making money blogging is a reality.
I don’t say this to brag, but merely to get you excited about the possibilities of how to make money blogging in less time than it takes to eat lunch today.
The bad news is most people won’t make money blogging. In fact, most won’t make a single penny and are going to give up too soon. Most bloggers post a few blog posts and then quit. That’s a shame because if they give it some more time, making money blogging is SO exciting.
Here are the reasons why you’re not making money with blogs:
Don’t have the time – Writing for your blog seems time consuming at first, but it doesn’t have to be.
I invest 15 to 25 minutes a day blogging. And I write my own, fresh 100% original content.
Sometimes I can crank out a great blog post in just minutes. Other times I get stuck and get distracted. When I suffer brain freeze, I take a break and return later to finish my blog entry.
The key to writing quickly is to:
– Not worrying about typos or poor grammar on the first draft…
– Use Google’s FREE amazing keyword tool to hunt down blogging ideas…
– Eliminate all distractions…
– Write like you talk…
– Pretend you’re writing to an 8-year old (i.e. write short sentences)…
– Use time tested copywriting formulas (like the Hagelian Dialectic)…
– Reward yourself after you’ve finished blogging
Analysis Paralysis – Perfectionism is the blog writer’s achilles’ heel.
Don’t worry about crafting the perfect blog. Your English teacher isn’t reading your blog, and you can always fix typos and grammatical mistakes in the future.
In fact, I actually make more money when I have the occasional spelling mistake. It’s true. That’s because a lot of people use search engines to find my blog content… and those same people can’t spell when searching Google. And when their search query matches my typo in my blog post, I have an excellent chance of getting that same searcher to my blog.
Brainwashed – For some odd reason, fellow bloggers convince us that it’s “selling out” to write a blog for profit. Well guess what… I “sold out” a long time ago. And it’s thanks to making money with blogs that affords me the toys my family enjoys.
Writing for your blog is no different than writing for Readers Digest or writing a book. These authors get paid and so should you.
Unclear about how to make money blogging – I suffered this problem for years. I didn’t know how to monetize my writing. I tried everything from affiliate programs to selling my own stuff to placing Google AdSense classified ads next my blog posts. Nothing worked. It was depressing. And I stopped blogging for years because of it. I listened to all of the wrong “gurus.” And my bank account suffered.
But today, I figured out how to turn my content into a virtual online tollbooth. Yes, affiliate programs and selling my own stuff and even Google AdSense are now paying off. The key is to know where to place these money-making links near your blog content.
In the past, I made all of the typical blogger mistakes. But today, every blog post I write ultimately makes me money. That means every time I write, I ultimately get paid — for life.
Don’t know how to attract blog visitors – You can blog about sports scores and predict tomorrow’s lottery numbers, but if no one knows about your blog, you’re going to be wasting your time. And you’re ultimately going to be frustrated and give up.
That’s why the moment I press the “Publish” button and submit my blog post, my promotion efforts go into full swing.
I use social media tools and sites like Digg,Twitter and Reddit to announce my new blog posts. I submit my RSS feed to tons of RSS directories. I copy my content and publish it to article marketing directories like EzineArticles and ArticlesBase. And if I have the extra time, I create a quick 2- to 3-minute video and post it to YouTube for additional promotional activity (including a link back to my blog post).
It takes me less than 25 minutes to promote my blog entry. That’s it. And the results are almost instant and amazing. In fact it’s not unusual to have my blog post show up in Google just hours after publishing my blog entry. Sometimes I get featured in just minutes.
And the best part is this 25-minute investment pays off for life.
Writer’s block – By far, the most common reason bloggers fail to earn money blogging is because they hate to write.
I hear you and completely understand your disdain for writing. I HATED to even read most of my school-age life. I never read a single book until age 19. I cheated my way through high school… got 940 on my SATs (yes, that’s combined). And I flunked out of college to the displeasure of my parents.
But today, I’m a writing machine. I LOVE to write. And my secret is simple… I follow one of many copywriting formulas. These formulas have been used throughout the ages to hook in the reader and get them excited to take an action (like subscribe to a newsletter, click on a link or buy something).
Get this… you can even borrow someone else’s writing and make money at the same time. It’s true. Article directories offer this FREE. Just copy the article in your niche, paste it into your blog… press the “Publish” submit button and watch your bank account grow (over time).
Final tip – There’s no reason for you to struggle with making money blogging. If you’re ready to earn money blogging right now, you might want to grab these corporate blogging tips, techniques and methods.