Why LinkedIn is NOT an effective lead generation tool - Do NOT WASTE Your Time

December 29, 2023   FBA

Have you been spending 3 hours per day for several even months doing the following?

  1. Updating your profile
  2. Writing Blog post and adding the right image
  3. Writing articles
  4. Adding more people to your linkedin
  5. Created a business profile

But you haven't got a single lead to your business. WHY?

LinkedIn is just another social media platform, but for business people, freelancers and employees looking for a job.

Here are the problems with LINKEDIN if you are trying to promote your business

  1. You are not able to get the contact information (no email address) of your lead
  2. You receive too many spam messages from people who are trying connect and selling you a service
  3. Your blog post is LIMITED to your own network of people
  4. Your article will only get limited views and won't visible be in Google
  5. You are wasting too much time spending on other people's blog post
  6. Your potential customer can not easily contact you
  7. Your potential customer cannot find you in the search box

We tried it and LinkedIn does not work for lead generation if you are a small business and have limited budget.

So STOP using LINKEDIN as a lead generation tool. It's NOT effective

Then what is a better way?

Google Business Listing and getting your website Ranking high in the search engine is still the one of the most way to get leads.

Contact AMZing Marketing Agency to help you setup Google Business Listing or Increase your SEO ranking.

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